CORBA 2.6.1 Administration Guide

GIOP over Guardian file system inter-ORB protocol Implementation). This protocol is used when client objects wish to communicate with
objects whose server is either running as a stand-alone process or as stateful objects managed by TS/MP.
The tools for configuring these protocols are described later in this manual.
GIOP Over TS/MP Protocol
HP strongly recommends configuring your production servers with the GIOP over TS/MP protocol, because this protocol leverages the features
of process management, process persistence, load balancing, and scalability. (This protocol is also known as GCFIOP, or Guardian Context-
Free Protocol.)
A server that supports TS/MP can be configured as either a single process or as a group of processes within a server pool. In either case, client
messages and server replies are sent using TS/MP interprocess communication when both client and server reside on the NonStop platform.
GIOP over TS/MP is a protocol internal to NonStop CORBA. All inter-ORB communication can use this NonStop CORBA protocol, however, all
heterogeneous ORB communication must still take place through the TCP/IP protocol used by IIOP.
GIOP Over Guardian File System Protocol
A server that supports only the file-system protocol can be configured either as a stand-alone process or as a named process managed by
TS/MP. The NonStop CORBA system manages client access to file-system servers using interprocess communication (IPC). Clients must use
the file-system protocol to talk to a server that supports only this protocol.
The NonStop CORBA SSLIOP (Secure Sockets Layer Inter-ORB Protocol) provides the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) over the SSL secure
connection mechanism. SSLIOP provides transport security for NonStop CORBA objects. The SSL layer operates between the IIOP and TCP
layers, providing a transparent secure channel. NonStop CORBA objects can interoperate with other vendor's IIOP/SSL implementations.
SSLIOP provides a set of scripts that allow you to create a private Certificate Authority, and create certificates for testing. You can also obtain
certificates from an outside Certificate Authority. What certificates and which Certificate Authority to use for production depends upon the
security policies of your organization or business.
Administrators can configure NonStop CORBA to use IIOP/SSL with existing applications that are not aware of security features. Alternatively,
programmers can gain programmatic control of the IIOP/SSL configuration and operation by creating or modifying applications to make them
aware of security features.
Note that IIOP/SSL is an optional feature set that must be installed and configured on your system before it can be used.
Portable Interceptors
NonStop CORBA supports the Portable Interceptors API as defined in the OMG CORBA 2.6.1 core specification, except as noted in the NonStop
CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Reference. The Portable Interceptors API allows applications to intercept the flow of a request-reply sequence.
Request interceptors enable ORB services to transfer context information between clients and servers. IOR interceptors establish tagged
components in the profiles within an IOR.
Client/Server Process
A NonStop CORBA server is any process that resides on the same NonStop system or Expand network. An object contained by a NonStop
system CORBA server can act as a client, a server, or both. CORBA objects execute from within a server process. Two types of CORBA servers
are available on the NonStop system, stand-alone CORBA servers or CORBA servers within the TS/MP environment. A stand-alone CORBA
server process does not have any load balancing or automatic scale applied to it during execution. In contrast, a CORBA server running within
the TS/MP environment allows the CORBA server to be contained within a server pool. In a server pool objects may be stateless and/or stateful.
These CORBA servers are automatically fault-tolerant (as defined by the TS/MP application script). The objects within these CORBA servers
may also balance loads. Note that stateless objects are automatically load balanced upon each method request. Stateful objects are load
balanced upon each instantiation and then each method request is directed to the same server-pool process for execution.
NonStop CORBA Remote Services
The NonStop CORBA remote services are services that enable high-volume, high-performance access from other systems. Figure 1–6 shows
the architecture of the remote services.
Figure 1.2. NonStop CORBA Remote Services