CORBA 2.6.1 Administration Guide

OSS Data
Directory under which configuration and log files are stored for a business domain. Each business domain requires
a separate location for its data files. For one business domain, this location can be the same as the OSS Product
Directory. A browse button is available for navigating to the directory.
Name of the Guardian
$volume.subvolume in which the product was installed.
Name of the Guardian
$volume.subvolume under which the configuration database and Naming Service database are
stored for a particular business domain. Each business domain requires a separate location for its data files. For one
of your business domains only, this location can be the same as that specified in the Guardian Product Directory
One letter attached to the front of some process names. Each business domain has its own set of NonStop Services
for CORBA. The environment prefix distinguishes process names among various sets of NonStop Services for
Advanced Configuration
Property Description
Name The PATHMON process for the NonStop Services for CORBA for a particular business domain. The default name
consists of "$" and the environment prefix character, followed by NDM. The process name can be altered when the
business domain is initially defined.
Number of the CPU designated as the primary CPU for the PATHMON process.
Number of the CPU designated as the backup CPU for the PATHMON process.
I/O Size Size, in bytes, of buffers used for sending messages. The default size should accommodate most messages. Large
messages are automatically segmented into multiple buffers as needed. You might want to specify a larger I/O size if
most messages are large. Making the I/O size larger reduces the amount of message segmentation and makes
sending messages more efficient, although it does so by using additional memory. To specify an I/O size other than
the default of 4096, uncheck Use default and type another value.
If checked, the default value of 4096 is used for I/O Size. To specify an I/O size other than the default, uncheck the
box and change the value of the I/O Size field.
for Comm
If checked, enables the use of Parallel Library TCP/IP. Note that after this is checked you must also complete the
Comm Server properties panel correctly to finish configuring Parallel Library TCP/IP. Always review the Comm Server
properties panel after changing this check box.
Naming Service Properties
Basic Configuration
Server Configuration Options
Troubleshooting Options
Basic Configuration
Property Description
Name and location of the Naming Service database file. You cannot change the file name or location. The file is
displayed in case you want to back it up or perform some other administrative action. Note that the file name is based
on the database directory specified on the General Properties dialog.
Location of the object reference file for the Naming Service. Changing the location of this file is not recommended.
Server Configuration Options
Property Description
Maximum Maximum number of copies of a server process that can run in a server pool at the same time. The range of values