CORBA 2.6.1 Administration Guide

2. Alter the default Comm Server SERVERCLASS configuration in the nsdstart script to pass the Comm Server's key as an argument. This
involves adding a statement to set the server's arglist.
Alter the default Comm Server SERVERCLASS configuration to run multiple processes. This involves changing the maxservers and
numstatic entries, and creating the appropriate process entries.
Each process in a Parallel Library TCP/IP server class must run in a separate CPU.
Example 4.3. Parallel Library TCP/IP Comm Server
The following portion of nsdstart will configure a Parallel Library TCP/IP Comm Server with three processes running in CPUs 1, 2, and 3, named
$cs1, $cs2, and $cs3, respectively. The lines that have been altered are indicated by a "+". The lines that have been added are indicated by a
"*". The line that has been commented out is indicated by a "-".
[ configure comm server(s)
reset server
set server processtype oss
set server pri 150
set server cwd $MY_ROOT
set server program $NSD_ROOT/bin/cs
set server hometerm $G_HOMETERM
set server stdin /dev/null
set server stdout $MY_ROOT/log/cs.log
set server stderr $MY_ROOT/log/cs.log
set server define =_SRL_01, class map, file $NSD_SRL_SUBVOL.NSDSRL
set server createdelay 0 secs
set server deletedelay 0 secs
set server TIMEOUT 0 SECS
set server MAXLINKS 16
set server LINKDEPTH 1
+ set server maxservers 3
+ set server numstatic 3
- [set server process \$$COM_SERVER1
* set server arglist "$COM_SERVER1"
* set server process \$cs1 (CPUs 1)
* set server process \$cs2 (CPUs 2)
* set server process \$cs3 (CPUs 3)
set server AUTORESTART 10
add server CS
start server CS
Configuring Additional Parallel Library TCP/IP Comm Servers
Additional Parallel Library TCP/IP Comm Servers can be configured by adding a Comm Server SERVERCLASS under TS/MP, and adding a
Comm Server entity in the configuration database.
To add a second Comm Server SERVERCLASS, duplicate the entire section of nsdstart that configures the default Comm Server. Also, make
sure the MAXSERVERCLASSES attribute of the PATHMON configuration accounts for this extra SERVERCLASS.
The following names must be unique:
1. SERVERCLASS name. The default Comm Server SERVERCLASS name is CS. A second Parallel Library TCP/IP Comm Server
SERVERCLASS might have the name CS2. Using the example above as a reference, the last two lines would be:
add server CS2
start server CS2
The SERVERCLASS name has no constraints beyond those required by TS/MP.
2. Process names. In the above example, we used the process names $cs1, $cs2, and $cs3. A second Comm Server SERVERCLASS
might use the following statements:
* set server process \$csb1 (CPUs 1)
* set server process \$csb2 (CPUs 2)
* set server process \$csb3 (CPUs 3)
Note that the '$' must be escaped with a '\' because nsdstart is a PATHCOM script embedded in an OSS shell script.
1. The Comm Server name must be passed as an argument to the processes in a Parallel Library TCP/IP Comm Server SERVERCLASS.
The line in the example above that does this is:
* set server arglist "$COM_SERVER1"
This Comm Server name must conform to the following convention:
where P is the installation prefix (the default is Z) and X is a letter that must be in contiguous ascending order. The letters in CSNAME must
be all upper case.