CORBA 2.6.1 Administration Guide

Appendix E. Troubleshooting
Appendix E. Troubleshooting
Detecting and Fixing Problems with Running Applications
Cannot Start HP NonStop Console
Cannot Start CORBA Server
Shared Library ioser12 Could Not Be Found
Cannot Stop CORBA Server
Cannot Run Client (COMM_FAILURE)
Verifying TCP/IP Configuration
NonStop CORBA Listening on the Wrong Socket
Using the Console to Troubleshoot the Servers
Troubleshooting Problems Starting NonStop Services for CORBA
Troubleshooting NonStop CORBA
Also see the Tracing and Debugging chapter of the NonStop CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Guide for C++ and NonStop CORBA 2.6.1
Programmer's Guide for Java.
Detecting and Fixing Problems with Running Applications
The following topics discuss how to detect and fix problems that arise when running NonStop CORBA client and server programs. It is assumed
that the NonStop CORBA programs were compiled successfully.
Cannot Start HP NonStop Console
Problem: You try to launch the Console and get an error message similar to the following:
Error initializing orb: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: minor code: 1398079490 completed: No
Solution: Check to see if you have multiple versions of the JRE installed on the PC. If you find more than one version, delete all but the 1.3.1_04
version, then uninstall and reinstall the Console.
Cannot Start CORBA Server
Problem: You try to start a Java CORBA server and get the following error message:
/home/ecrm/stack: java Server -ORBprofile tcp_server
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerPackage/AdapterInactive
Solution: To verify that the NonStop CORBA environment has been set, run the following command at the OSS prompt:
/home/ecrm/stack: env | grep NSD
The output should look like this:
If the command returns without any output, then the NonStop CORBA environment has not been set, and you must run the following command
to set it up:
. /usr/tandem/nsdoms/etc/
Now you should be able to start the NonStop CORBA server.
Explanation: The server program in the example above failed because it tried to use some Java classes provided by the NonStop CORBA
libraries. Those libraries are available from the CLASSPATH, which is set correctly when the .
/usr/tandem/nsdoms/etc/ command is
For convenience, add this command to the end of the .profile file, which is executed whenever you log on to OSS.
Shared Library ioser12 Could Not Be Found
Problem: You execute a CORBA server on NT, using JorbLite 2.6, Sun’s JDK 1.2.2, and JAR files for a third-party application. You get the