CORBA 2.6.1 Glossary

control over application transactions. For example, the Current interface defines methods to mark
the beginning of a transaction, to commit a transaction, to suspend a transaction, and to undo (roll
back) a transaction.
data access objects (DAOs)
Objects that isolate process-blocking database access operations, which cannot take advantage of
multithreading, from functions that can be implemented using multithreading. In the NonStop
CORBA environment, data access objects can be implemented as context-free TS/MP servers,
configured as server pools, that instantiate only one object per process and are created by a POA
with a lifespan policy of PERSISTENT, a state policy of STATELESS, and a threading policy of
database mapping
See mapping.
data type
A categorization of values, operations, and arguments that usually cover both behavior and
A style of program design that isolates CORBA functions from non-CORBA functions.
Possibly available as a feature for upward compatibility of existing applications, but not
recommended for use by new applications.
derived class
An object class that inherits characteristics from another class.
digital certificate
See certificate.
direct TCP server
A NonStop CORBA server that is configured to communicate directly with TCP sockets.
Distinguished Name (DN)
The complete name of a directory entry, consisting of the Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) of
the entry and the RDNs of its superior entries.
distributed object computing
A style of application in which object-based components distributed across processes or across a
network communicate by using a message-based interface.
dynamic context
Information that must be retained in the memory of a process (as opposed to being saved on disk)
between method calls.
Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII)