CORBA 2.6.1 Glossary

ORB services to transfer context information between clients and servers. IOR interceptors are
used to establish tagged components in the profiles within an IOR.
Portable Object Adapter (POA)
The CORBA-specified object adapter that connects an object residing on a server with an ORB.
The adapter provides a namespace within which the client and the server can connect and
exchange information.
Rewriting or modifying an existing component to run on a different system, language, or platform.
A standard set of operating-system interfaces similar to UNIX. The HP NonStop Kernel Open
System Services (OSS) product provides POSIX interfaces.
The property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals,
entities, or processes.
private key
In a public key cryptography system, the component of a key pair that is not divulged by its owner.
process-blocking operation
Operations that block the calling process while they are in progress. Examples are accesses to
NonStop SQL/MX and NonStop SQL/MP databases. Application processes that must perform
process-blocking calls should not be multithreaded.
(1) For IORs, tagged profiles are elements of the IOR containing the profile's tag, address
information, and target object key. There is no limit on the number of tagged profiles in an IOR.
(2) For NonStop CORBA processes that use CORBA::ORB, such as the Name Service or LSD, the
<profile>@ORB entity holds the ORB's configuration.
profile file
The configuration file that defines the operational parameters for Open System Services (OSS).
A local reference to a remote object, used in such a way that an operation invoked on the proxy is
performed on the remote object.
pthread API
NonStop CORBA uses the DCE pthread API, which is the basis for the object-oriented vthread
A utility program that produces a formatted display of SCF trace information.