CORBA 2.6.1 Glossary

Transaction Management Facility (TMF)
The facility that manages transactions on NonStop systems. TMF collaborates with the
transactional components of NonStop CORBA.
transaction protection
A feature that ensures consistency of databases and other stored data.
Transaction Service
A standard application service (one of the OMG Common Object Services) for ensuring the
consistency of a database or other stored information when a request involves multiple updates to
databases or state repositories.
Transport Layer Security (TLS)
A secure interoperability protocol from the Internet Engineering Task Force that works at the
communications transport layer. It is a successor to the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.
The ability of a system to protect resources from exposure to misuse through malicious or
inadvertent means.
usage binding
See binding.
vthread API
An object-oriented, portable API for multithreading provided by NonStop CORBA for use in C++
programs. (For Java programs, standard Java threading is recommended.) This API is implemented
as a set of jacket procedures built upon the NonStop pthread API.
A technique in which a component is given an interface that permits interoperation with
components based on a different technology. For example, a set of interacting Java object classes
can be wrapped in a single NonStop CORBA class, or the code of a legacy server can be used as
the implementation of an object supporting methods that correspond to functions of the server.
A recommended approach to wrapping is to develop a wrapper component that translates method
invocations to some other message format, or vice versa, to allow communication between
object-oriented clients and servers and legacy clients and servers.
A term used in CORBA when moving from a derived interface to a base interface.
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