CORBA 2.6.1 Glossary

In object technology, an application component that makes requests of an object. More generally,
an application component that makes requests of a server.
client event handler
An object defined by the NonStop CORBA event framework to support asynchronous
communication between a NonStop CORBA client and a server that uses other technology.
NonStop CORBA provides various types of client event-handler objects to support transport
functions such as I/O completions and error handling. Client event handlers are used in legacy
server wrappers.
client event handler user
An object, defined by the NonStop CORBA event framework, that uses the services of a client
event handler. A legacy server wrapper typically acts as a client event-handler user.
client/server computing
A style of application in which function is divided between a client, which makes requests on
behalf of a user, and a server, which executes those requests. In many cases, the client runs on a
workstation and the server runs on a larger server machine, but this pattern of distribution is not a
necessary characteristic of client/server computing.
Comm Server
A NonStop CORBA process that manages the linkage between remote clients and local servers. A
configuration can have multiple Comm Servers, and many clients can use the same Comm Server.
command-line interface (CLI)
The method for accepting input lines from either stdin or a script file; that is, a primitive
command-line interface.
Declare (a transaction) complete.
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
A definition of standard components and required interfaces to support the interaction of
object-oriented components across heterogeneous networks. CORBA is defined by the Object
Management Group (OMG).
Common Object Services (COS)
A series of OMG specifications for services useful to applications in the context of CORBA. COS
includes a Naming Service, an Event Service, a Lifecycle Service, and a Persistence Service,
among others. Also called CORBAServices.
A discrete unit of application function, such as a client or server, typically suitable for mixing and
matching with other components to create one or more different applications. (One advantage of
component-based application development is the ability to use the same component in different