Event Management Service (EMS) Analyzer Manual

Command Summary
Event Management Service (EMS) Analyzer Manual133700
OUT Redirects EMS Analyzer displays to a designated location, such as
terminal, spooler, or out file
PAGESIZE Sets the terminal screen size and printer page size
PARAM Changes, adds, and displays PARAM values that are passed to a
process initiated by EMS Analyzer RUN command
PAUSE Suspends EMS Analyzer and releases the terminal for use by
another process. Usually, this command is used in conjunction with
the RUN command
REPEAT Causes the remainder of the command line to be repeated for a
specific number of iterations, or until the BREAK key is activated
RUN Runs another program from within EMS Analyzer
SETPROMPT Changes the information contained within the command line
START Initiates EMS Analyzer’s own distributor
STATUS Displays dynamic information about the specified object
STOP Terminates the operation of a specified object
SYSTEM Sets the default system name for all file name and object name
TIMEOUT Enables the user to vary the amount of time EMS Analyzer waits
for a response before canceling the request
VERSION Displays the version level of the specified object
VOLUME Sets the default volume and subvolume names for all file name
Table D-1. EMS Analyzer Command Summary (page 2 of 2)
Commands Description