Event Management Service (EMS) Analyzer Manual

Using EMS Analyzer
Event Management Service (EMS) Analyzer Manual133700
Entering EMS Analyzer Commands
Entering Multiple Commands on a Line
You can enter multiple EMS Analyzer commands at a single prompt (->) by separating
the commands with semicolons. For example, the command line
-> start, pri 100; info; alter, filter emsafltr; info
is equivalent to the following series of commands:
-> start, pri 100
-> info
-> alter, filter emsafltr
-> info
When processing a command line that contains more than one command, EMS Analyzer
executes the commands one at a time from left to right. If a syntax error occurs, EMS
Analyzer displays the appropriate error message and ignores the rest of the command
The following EMS Analyzer commands cannot be embedded in a string of commands
because EMS Analyzer does not process any command following these commands:
ALIAS, PARAM, EXIT, OBEY, RUN, FC, exclamation point (!), question mark (?).
Entering a Command on More Than One Line
You can continue a command that starts on one line onto a second line by terminating
the first line with an ampersand (&). EMS Analyzer will prompt for additional input
before executing the command. You must not enter more than 2048 characters for any
input command.
EMS Analyzer begins to execute the command when it receives a command line not
terminated with an ampersand. If you place multiple commands (separated by
semicolons) on a continued line, EMS Analyzer waits until it has received the entire
command string before processing any of the commands.
For example, the command line
-> start, cpu 1, pri 100; alter, filter emsafltr; info; &
-> alter, starttime 1w; info; alter, stoptime eof; &
-> info; dumplog