Event Management Service (EMS) Analyzer Manual

Using EMS Analyzer
Event Management Service (EMS) Analyzer Manual133700
Entering EMS Analyzer Commands
is equivalent to the following series of commands:
-> start, cpu 1, pri 100
-> alter, filter emsafltr
-> info
-> alter, starttime 1w
-> info
-> alter, stoptime eof
-> info
-> dumplog
Entering a Comment Line
You can enter a comment following the comment characters (==) at the beginning of a
line or within a line. Any text on the line following the == is not processed:
-> == This is a comment.
Also, a comment can be entered using the COMMENT command. The command
COMMENT must appear as the first characters of the line:
-> COMMENT This is a comment.
Using Keyword Abbreviations
EMS Analyzer recognizes keyword abbreviations as long as they are unique. Keywords
include commands, object types, and attribute names. Alias names cannot be
The following are examples of keyword abbreviations:
SE is a valid abbreviation for SETPROMPT.
VE is a valid abbreviation for VERSION.
STAT is a valid abbreviation for STATUS.
Using the BREAK Key
If a command is in progress, the BREAK key cancels further execution of that
command. If no command is in progress, the BREAK key returns control to TACL. At
the TACL prompt, you can type PAUSE to give the control back to EMS Analyzer.
Using the HELP Key
You can use the HELP key, F16, to display information about EMS Analyzer
commands. The principle is the same as when you use the TACL HELP key. Pressing
Note. OBEY files cannot contain abbreviated keywords.