Expand Configuration and Management Manual (G06.24+)

Configuring Expand-Over-ATM Lines
Expand Configuration and Management Manual523347-008
Configuring an Expand Line-Handler Process That
Uses an SVC
Specifying an ATM address when configuring an Expand-over-ATM line-handler
process in described in Step 3: Create the Line-Handler Process.
Verifying the ATM Address and Selector Byte Configuration
After you have configured the local and remote Expand-over-ATM line-handler
processes as described in Step 3: Create the Line-Handler Process, you can verify that
the correct ATM addresses and selector bytes are configured using the Expand
subsystem SCF INFO LINE command with the DETAIL option.
Example 9-3 shows an example of an Expand subsystem SCF INFO LINE command
with the DETAIL option for an Expand-over-ATM line-handler process named
$ATMBAT and a CallType of SVC.
The selector byte obtained for the local ATM line is displayed in the AtmSel field and
the ATM address for the ATM line used by the remote Expand-over-IP line-handler
process (including the selector byte for that ATM line) is displayed in the
DestAtmAddr field. As shown in Example 9-3, the selector byte for the local ATM line
is %H80 and the selector byte the remote ATM line is %H81.
Example 9-3. Expand Subsystem SCF INFO LINE, DETAIL Command for SVC
EXPAND Detailed Info LINE $ATMBAT (LDEV 206)
L2Protocol Net^Atm TimeFactor...... 570K *SpeedK........ NOT_SET
Framesize....... 132 -Rsize........... 3 -Speed........
*LinePriority.... 1 StartUp......... OFF Delay......... 0:00:00.10
*DownIfBadQuality OFF *QualityThreshold 96 *QualityTimer.. 0:01:00.00
*Txwindow........ 7 *Maxreconnects... 0 *AfterMaxRetries PASSIVE
*Timerreconnect 0:00:30.00 *Retryprobe...... 3 *Timerprobe.... 0:00:30.00
*Associatedev.... $AM1 *Associatesubdev #IP *Timerinactivity 0:00:00.00
ConnEp....... %H00000000 ListenEp.... %H00000000 *CallType...... SVC
*AtmSel...... %H80
*DestAtmAddr.. (ISONSAP:%H47009181000100006170597C0140000C80001081)
Note. You cannot display the selector bytes currently in use using the ATM subsystem SCF
INFO LINE command (shown in Example 9-2) because the ATM subsystem SCF INFO LINE
command only displays static configuration information.