Expand Configuration and Management Manual (G06.24+)

Subsystem Control Facility (SCF) Commands
Expand Configuration and Management Manual523347-008
Expand-Over-NAM, Expand-Over-ServerNet, and
Expand-Over-FOX Line-Handler Processes
reports the time interval of the Layer 2 T1 timer.
reports the name of the X25AM or SNAX/APN process associated with the
Expand-over-NAM process. For Expand-over-ServerNet line-handler processes,
this field shows $ZZSCL, and for Expand-over-FOX line-handler processes, this
field shows $ZZFOX.
reports the name of the NAM subdevice that will be activated by the Expand-over-
NAM process. The subdevice name for Expand-over-X.25 line-handler processes
is the name of an X25AM subdevice. For Expand-over-SNA line-handler processes
it is the subdevice name of a SNAX/APN logical unit (LU). This field is not used by
Expand-over-ServerNet or Expand-over-FOX line-handler processes.
Example 15-11 shows the display format for a LINE object with the DETAIL option for
Expand-over-NAM, Expand-over-ServerNet, or Expand-over-FOX line-handler
processes. The asterisk (*) indicates an alterable attribute.
lists the name of the Layer 2 protocol process associated with the Expand-over-
NAM, Expand-over-ServerNet, or Expand-over-FOX line-handler process.
reports the current time factor for this line. See Routing and Time Factors on
page 18-22 for a discussion about time factors, including how to calculate them.
Example 15-11. INFO LINE, DETAIL Command, Expand-Over-NAM, Expand-Over-
ServerNet, and Expand-Over-FOX Line-Handler Processes
EXPAND Detailed Info LINE $FXKAU (LDEV 135)
L2Protocol Net^Nam TimeFactor...... 1 *SpeedK........ NOT_SET
Framesize....... 132 -Rsize........... 1 -Speed........
*LinePriority.... 1 StartUp......... OFF Delay......... 0:00:00.10
Rxwindow........ 7 *Timerbind... 0:01:00.00 *L2Timeout..... 0:00:01.00
*Txwindow........ 7 *Maxreconnects... 0 *AfterMaxRetries PASSIVE
*Timerreconnect 0:01:00.00 *Retryprobe...... 10 *Timerprobe.... 0:00:30.00
*Associatedev.... $ZZFOX *Associatesubdev *Timerinactivity 0:00:00.00
*LineTf.......... 0