Expand Configuration and Management Manual (G06.24+)

Subsystem Description
Expand Configuration and Management Manual523347-008
Calculating Route Time Factors
Regular Maps Exchanges
A maps exchange is a periodic sharing of network map information. Maps messages,
called distance vector (DV) messages, are exchanged at variable-rate intervals by
default. You can specify a fixed five-minute interval exchange by setting the
Calculating Route Time Factors
A route is a sequence of one or more paths through the network. The Expand
subsystem calculates route TFs for you by adding together the TFs of all the lines,
paths, or multi-CPU paths in the route; the total is the route TF. This is the same both
types of time factor.
Figure 18-8, Sample Network With Time Factors, on page 18-27 shows a simple five-
node network. TFs are assigned to the lines between nodes. The double lines between
nodes \A and \B indicate a two-line path.
Note the route from node \A to node \D through node \B. The TF for this route is 5,
which is the total of the TFs between node \A and node \B (TF 4) and node \B and
node \D (TF 1).
Note. The AUTOMATICMAPTIMER modifier is explained in Section 6, Configuring the
Network Control Process.
Figure 18-8. Sample Network With Time Factors
TF 4
TF 1 TF 1
TF 1
Node \A
Node \C
TF 1
Node \B
Node \D
Node \E