Expand Configuration and Management Manual (G06.24+)

Managing the Network
Expand Configuration and Management Manual523347-008
Displaying Expand Line-Handler Process
Displaying Line Information
The SCF interface to the Expand subsystem provides commands that display line
(Layer 2) statistics, status information, and modifier values for a selected Expand line-
handler process.
Table 19-7
lists the Expand subsystem SCF commands that can be used to display line
INFO PROFILE $ZZWAN.#profile_name Displays a list of the modifier values
contained in a selected Expand profile
and the device names of the Expand
line-handler processes currently using
that profile.
STATUS DEVICE $ZZWAN.#device_name Displays the dynamic state, logical
device (LDEV) number, and primary and
backup process identification numbers
(PINs) for a selected Expand line-
handler process.
Note. The Expand subsystem SCF STATS LINE command examines Layer 2 processes and
can provide you with some basic information about line status. However, several Expand line-
handler processes use the services of another process to provide Layer 2 functions:
For Expand-over-NAM line-handler process Layer 2 information, you should also
examine the appropriate X25AM, SNAX/APN, ServerNet, or FOX process.
For Expand-over-IP line-handler process Layer 2 information, you should also
examine the appropriate NonStop TCP/IP process.
For Expand-over-ATM line-handler process Layer 2 information, you should also
examine the appropriate Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) line.
Table 19-7. Expand SCF Commands for Line Information (page 1 of 2)
SCF Command Information Reported
INFO LINE $device_name Displays the current Layer 2 attribute values associated
with a selected Expand line-handler process.
Information displayed includes FRAMESIZE,
L2TIMEOUT, and other attribute values. The DETAIL
option can be used to display additional information.
Table 19-6. WAN SCF Commands for Expand Line-Handler Process
Information (page 2 of 2)
SCF Command Information Reported