Expand Configuration and Management Manual (G06.24+)

Moving to G-Series Systems
Expand Configuration and Management Manual523347-008
COUP-to-SCF Considerations
COUP-to-SCF Considerations
COUP is not available on G-series systems; its functions have been added to SCF.
Although most COUP commands have a direct SCF command equivalent, the
command syntax is different. Refer to the SCF reference manuals listed in About This
Manual for more information.
Dynamic Configuration and Management
On D-series systems, you can use the Peripheral Utility Program (PUP) to control
Expand lines and paths. For example, you can use PUP to initiate the activity of an
Expand path.
Also on D-series systems, the Configuration Utility Program (COUP) command
interface of Dynamic System Configuration (DSC) allows you to modify Expand line-
handler process attributes online, reducing the number of times you need to stop
system operation to reconfigure. On D-series systems, all Expand modifiers are
configured through system generation.
SCF Replaces PUP and COUP
On G-series systems, the Subsystem Control Facility (SCF) for the WAN subsystem
replaces both PUP and COUP for Expand configuration and management. The SCF
interface to the WAN subsystem allows you to perform the following network
management tasks:
Display information about the network control process ($NCP) and Expand line-
handler processes
Reconfigure $NCP and Expand line-handler processes
Control (start, stop, add, and delete) $NCP and Expand line-handler processes
You must convert all PUP and COUP commands in your existing command files to
SCF commands. From within SCF, if you enter a HELP PUP or HELP COUP
command, SCF displays information to help you convert the command to its SCF
The SCF Reference Manual for G-Series RVUs discusses replacement SCF
commands that correspond to PUP and COUP commands. There is also a migration
utility named MIGSCF that you can run at an HP Tandem Advanced Command
Language (TACL) prompt to convert PUP and COUP commands.
For more information about the MIGSCF conversion utility, refer to the SCF Reference
Manual for G-Series RVUs.