Expand Configuration and Management Manual (G06.24+)

Configuration Quick Start
Expand Configuration and Management Manual523347-008
Creating a Single-Line Expand Line-Handler
If you want to use IPv6 communications, add the device as follows:
-> ADD DEVICE $ZZWAN.#device_name, PROFILE name,&
TYPE (63,0), RSIZE 0, PATHTF 2, NEXTSYS sysnum,&
ASSOCIATEDEV tcp6sam_process, IPVER_IPV6,&
V6SRCIPADDR ipv6srcaddress, V6DESTIPADDR ipv6destaddress,&
Note. If you want the Expand-over-IP line-handler process to be part of a multi-CPU path,
specify the SUPERPATH_ON modifier in the SCF ADD DEVICE command. You can configure
a maximum of 16 paths in a multi-CPU path.
Table 1-4. SCF ADD DEVICE Syntax: Expand-Over-IP (page 1 of 2)
Parameter Description
device_name The name you want to assign to the Expand line-handler process.
name The name of the profile you created in Task 3: Add the Expand Line-
Handler Profile(s).
cpunum The number of the primary processor.
sysnum The number of the system connected to the other end of the line.
System numbers can be displayed using the SCF INFO PROCESS
$NCP, LINESET command.
altcpu The number of the alternate processor.
tcpip_process The name of the NonStop TCP/IP or Parallel Library TCP/IP
(TCPSAM) process you want to associate with the Expand-over-IP
line-handler process. For NonStop TCP/IP, the NonStop TCP/IP
process must be configured in the same processor pair as the
Expand-over-IP line-handler process. For Parallel Library TCP/IP,
there is no such restriction for the TCPSAM process but there must
be a Parallel Library TCP/IP subsystem monitor process
($ZZTCP.#ZPTMn, where n is the processor number) in the
processors that contain the Expand-over-IP line-handler process