Expand Configuration and Management Manual (G06.24+)

Expand Configuration and Management Manual523347-008
ServerNet LAN systems access (SLSA) subsystem
ServerNet LAN systems access (SLSA) subsystem. A subsystem of the HP NonStop™
Kernel operating system for configuration and management of ServerNet local area
network (LAN) objects in G-series RVUs. The SLSA subsystem enables the protocol
input-output (I/O) processes (IOPs) and drivers to access the ServerNet adapters.
ServerNet system area network (ServerNet SAN). A wormhole-routed, full-duplex,
packet-switched, point-to-point network designed with special attention to reducing
latency and ensuring reliability. The ServerNet SAN provides the communications path
used for interprocessor messages and for communication between processors and
input/output (I/O) devices.
ServerNet wide area network (SWAN) concentrator. An HP data communications
peripheral that provides connectivity to a NonStop S-series server. The SWAN
concentrator supports both synchronous and asynchronous data over RS-232, RS-
449, X.21, and V.35 electrical and physical interfaces.
SH. See split horizon (SH).
single-line path. A path that consists of one line. See also line, path, and route. Contrast
multi-line path.
SLSA subsystem. See ServerNet LAN systems access (SLSA) subsystem.
SNA. See Systems Network Architecture (SNA).
split horizon (SH). An alternative routing algorithm provided by the Expand subsystem. The
main advantage of SH is that alternate paths are immediately known (temporary
discontinuity never occurs). The main disadvantage of SH is that it increases the
occurrence of loop routing. See also modified split horizon (MSH).
stack. A portion of the Expand line-handler process data space. The Expand subsystem
allocates 700 words to the stack.
STARTED. The state of a process, indicating that it is running and able to accept user
STARTING. An intermediate state in which a process is in transition to the STARTED state.
User requests are not accepted until the process is STARTED.
state. For Distributed Systems Management (DSM), the current condition of a process that
indicates its readiness to do work. States for PROCESS objects include STARTED,
state machine. The part of a process that acts upon occurrences based on the current state
of the process.