Expand Configuration and Management Manual (G06.24+)

Expand Configuration and Management Manual523347-008
DSRTIMER attribute
ALTER LINE command and 15-16
INFO LINE command and 15-32
DV messages 18-27
E4SA 7-3/7-4, 8-5, 10-3/10-4, 11-4
Effective time factor (ETF),
displaying 19-13, 21-12
End-to-End protocol
description of 18-13
resolving problems with 21-13
ENQ 18-15
Error Frames, STATS LINE command
and 15-89
Error messages A-1/A-6
BCC 21-34, 21-37
FCS 21-34, 21-37
file-system 21-7
ETF, displaying 19-13, 21-12
Ethernet 18-66, 21-15
Ethernet 4 ServerNet adapter
(E4SA) 7-3/7-4, 8-5, 10-3/10-4, 11-4
Ethernet adapters, redundancy 8-4
Event Management Service (EMS)
features of 21-10
messages produced by 21-1
Expand frame size 20-1, 20-3, 20-6, 20-12
Expand line-handler processes
adding and deleting 19-19
changing modifiers for 19-20
data space allocated to 18-46
functions of 18-2
global variables space allocated
to 18-47
limitations of 3-16
line buffer space allocated to 18-47
number supported 4-2
resolving problems with 21-13
stack space allocated to 18-47
starting 19-21
stopping 19-22
switching primary and backup
processors for 19-26
types of 18-3/18-5
Expand manager process
functions of 18-7
starting 5-4
Expand multi-CPU feature 7-13, 8-29,
9-19, 10-14, 11-16
See also Multi-CPU paths
Expand packet format 20-9
Expand subsystem overhead 20-8
resolving problems with 21-25
using variable packet size feature
with 20-6
Expand-over-ATM line-handler process
configuring 9-1/9-21
features of 3-5, 18-6
Expand-over-FOX line-handler process
configuring 13-1/13-10
features of 3-7, 18-6
congestion control for 20-10
resolving problems with 21-20
TXWINDOW modifier for 20-11
using variable packet size feature
with 20-6
Expand-over-IP line-handler process
configuring 8-1/8-30
features of 3-4, 18-5
Expand-over-NAM line-handler process
SNAX/APN connections 18-4
tuning 20-11
X25AM connections 18-4
Expand-over-ServerNet line-handler
configuring 12-1/12-13