NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide (G06.29+)

FastPath Tasks: Optional
HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide541880-002
1. On the NonStop S-Series Server
1c. Configure $NCP
1. From an SCF prompt, create a profile for the network control process:
-> ADD PROFILE $zzwan.#pexpncp, file $system.sys00.pexpncp
2. Confirm that the profile has been created:
-> INFO PROFILE $zzwan.#pexpncp
3. Create the network control process:
-> ADD DEVICE $zzwan.#ncp, iopobject $system.sys00.ncpobj, &
-> PROFILE pexpncp, cpu 0, altcpu 1, type (62,6), rsize 1
4. Start the network control process:
-> START DEVICE $zzwan.#ncp
1d. Obtain TCP/IP Information
1. Determine the name of the NonStop TCP/IP, Parallel Library TCP/IP (TCPSAM), or
NonStop TCP/IPv6 (TCP6SAM) process you want to associate with the
Expand-over-IP line-handler process.
To list all TCP/IP transport service providers:
The SCF LISTDEV program displays process types as follows:
The following example output shows both TCPSAM and NonStop TCP/IP
processes because NonStop TCP/IP and Parallel Library TCP/IP are both running
on this system. (Parallel Library TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6 cannot run on the
same system.)
Type of process Program field ends in ...
Conventional NonStop TCP/IP TCPIP
Parallel Library TCP/IP TCPSAM
Example F-1. SCF LISTDEV TCPIP Display
LDev Name PPID BPID Type RSize Pri Program
124 $ZTC02 0,301 1,287 (48,0) 32000 200 \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.SYS00.TCPSAM
125 $ZTCP0 0,304 1,282 (48,0 ) 32000 200 \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.SYS00.TCPIP
129 $ZTCP1 1,285 0,308 (48,0 ) 32000 200 \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.SYS00.TCPIP
160 $ZTC21 2,292 3,276 (48,0 ) 32000 200 \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.SYS00.TCPIP
161 $ZTC01 0,313 1,292 (48,0 ) 32000 200 \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.SYS00.TCPIP
165 $ZTC03 0,316 1,293 (48,0 ) 32000 200 \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.SYS00.TCPIP