NonStop SOAP for Java User's Manual

SOAP Deployment Descriptor
NonStop SOAP for Java User’s Manual523860-001
Specifying Type Mapping in a Deployment
Descriptor File
Specifying Type Mapping in a Deployment
Descriptor File
Each type of variable is transmitted to a server by a SOAP message must be
translated from XML to Java primitive or reference variable and, in turn, variables
returned by the RPC must be encoded from Java into XML. Selecting the right method
for a conversion is accomplished by “type mapping” data. This data lives in a registry,
which, by default, is an object of the type
Type mapping information for RPC services may also be specified in the deployment
descriptors. Mappings are specified through the use of a <mappings> element that
may optionally appear as a child of the <service> element.
Mappings specified in this manner are available only to the services described by the
deployment descriptor in which they appear. Example 4-3 show a deployment
descriptor file with type mappings.
This optional tag encloses one or more isd:map tags that define how to serialize
specific Java types not included in the set of basic serializers provided with
NonStop SOAP. An optional attribute name defaultRegistryClass, whose value
(indicated by registry-class) is the fully-qualifed Java class (which is a subclass of
org.apache.soap.encoding.SOAPMappingRegistry) that you want to use as the
default type mapping registry.
Each map tag contains attributes describing how a Java type is converted from
Java to XML and back.
Example 4-3. Deployment Descriptor with Type Mappings
<isd:service xmlns:isd="" id="...">
<isd:provider .../>
<isd:faultListener .../>
<isd:mappings [defaultRegistryClass="registry-class"]>
<isd:map encodingStyle="encoding-uri"