OmniMessaging Provisioning Client User Guide 2.4

OmniMessaging Provisioning Client User Guide
07/22/04 Opsol Integrators Inc. Confidential and Proprietary 11
Filters are files created for particular domains and keywords, so that mails from the
specified domains with the specified keyword(s) are directed to the specified queue file.
One or more keywords can be specified for a Queue file and Domain Name .
Creating a queue file for keyword ‘SMS=’(more than one keyword can be set)and domain =
‘’ and file name as ‘$omni04.hijinst.smshmail’ means that when a mail with rcpt to
as arrives a notification entry will be made in
$omni04.hijinst.smshmail file. This file will then be read by the SMS server / FAX server which
will then further send the mail as SMS/FAX message. More permutations with keywords and
domains are possible.
1. No two server class Tags can share the same file. ( in case if two
serverclasses need to share the same file, provide the same tag for both
2. An omni installation can have one or more MTA server classes running at the
same time for load balancing. Each MTA server Class pathway parameter
will have a tag configured. The MTA serverclass will be identified by
provisioning System by this ID.
3. Administrator can configure settings for different Server Tags individually.
4. Each serverclass tag can be configured for dedicated Q files for domains. Eg.
for serverclass 0 all the hotmail domain notifications can be filtered into
hotmq0 and yahoo can be filtered into yahooq0, while serverclass 1 can have
hotmail domain notifications to be filtered into hotmq1 and yahoo can be
filtered into yahooq1.
5. One domain can have different files for different keywords, eg.
can be configured such that sms=… can go to hsmsq0 and
fax=… can go to hfaxq0.
6. Keywords can be added / deleted from the list of keywords configured for
combination of ServerClass Id + Domain + Queue File.
7. To specify a keyword applicable to all domains , the keyword ‘DEFAULT’
can be specified for the domain name.
Create Filter File