Open System Services Porting Guide (G06.24+, H06.03+)

Table Of Contents
Porting UNIX Applications to the OSS Environment
Open System Services Porting Guide520573-006
Guardian Procedure Calls for Interoperability
HP extension functions give application programs access to a richer set of features
than those available through the standard open functions. These features include
Guardian procedure calls, interoperable I/O routines, and process-control functions.
Guardian Procedure Calls for Interoperability
The Guardian process control, filename mapping, and user information procedure calls
that support interoperability between OSS and Guardian file systems are:
The PROCESS_SPAWN_ procedure allows the creation of OSS processes from the
Guardian environment, but it can also be used from the OSS environment.
procedures facilitate interoperability between OSS and Guardian file systems by
providing the link between OSS pathnames and Guardian filenames.
The other Guardian procedures return user and group information to the application.
More information on using these extended Guardian procedure calls is provided in
Using New and Extended Guardian Procedures on page 8-10.
Environment-Specific I/O Routines
Environment-specific I/O routines are used to provide interoperability between OSS
files and Guardian files. Both the OSS and the Guardian variants of these functions are
available: for example, rename_oss() and rename_guardian(). These routines
are discussed in Environment-Specific Functions
on page 5-5:
Process-Creation Functions Specific to HP
A set of process-creation functions are provided to give the OSS programmer more
control over which attributes are given to a new process. The Using Process-Creation
PROCESS_SPAWN_ Runs an OSS process
FILENAME_TO_PATHNAME_ Maps Guardian filename to OSS pathname
PATHNAME_TO_FILENAME_ Maps OSS pathname to Guardian filename
GROUP_GETINFO_ Provides group information
USER_GETINFO_ Provides user information
USER_GETNEXT_ Provides user information for next user
fopen() Opens a stream.
freopen() Opens a stream.
remove() Removes a file.
rename() Renames a file or directory.
tmpfile() Creates a temporary file.
tmpnam() Creates a name for a temporary file.