Open System Services Porting Guide (G06.24+, H06.03+)

Table Of Contents
Migrating Guardian Applications to the OSS
Open System Services Porting Guide520573-006
Guardian Process-Management Procedures
The following Guardian procedures support some actions on OSS files:
The FILE_GETINFO_ procedure obtains a limited set of information about a file
identified by file number and indicates whether the file is an OSS file or a Guardian file
with a flags word. A Guardian filename is returned in all cases, which can be mapped
to the corresponding OSS pathname using the Guardian
The FILE_GETINFOBYNAME_ procedure obtains information about a file identified by
a Guardian filename and indicates whether the file is an OSS file or a Guardian file
with a flags word.
The FILE_GETINFOLIST_ procedure obtains detailed information about a file identified
by file number; a related procedure, FILE_GETINFOLISTBYNAME_, obtains detailed
information about a file identified by filename. Information is returned according to the
items specified. In addition to information usually obtained for Guardian files, request
items can be made to return: security mechanisms in effect, whether the file is an OSS
file, requires OSS access permissions, OSS link count, OSS owner ID, and OSS group
The FILE_OPEN_ procedure can be used to open an OSS or a Guardian file. To open
an OSS file, specify an OSS pathname as an argument. OSS files can be opened only
in shared exclusion mode. OSS files can be opened for nowait I/O to perform nowait
read/write I/O operations.
Sample programs showing the use of some of these Guardian file system procedures
on OSS files are included in the Open System Services Programmer’s Guide.
Guardian Process-Management Procedures
OSS processes are accessible from the Guardian environment and can be
manipulated using Guardian procedures, providing interoperability between the
Guardian and OSS environments. Guardian procedures can create and control OSS
processes and can improve communication paths between Guardian processes and
Procedure Description
FILE_GETINFO_ Returns a limited set of information on a file, identified
by a file number
FILE_GETINFOBYNAME_ Returns a limited set of information on a file, identified
by a filename
FILE_GETINFOLIST_ Returns detailed information about a file, identified by a
file number
FILE_GETINFOLISTBYNAME_ Returns detailed information about a file, identified by a
FILE_GETRECEIVEINFO_ Returns information about the last message read on the
FILE_OPEN_ Establishes a communication path between an
application process and a file