Open System Services Porting Guide (G06.24+, H06.03+)

Table Of Contents
Standard POSIX Threads Functions: Differences
Between the Previous and Current Standards
Open System Services Porting Guide520573-006
Changed Thread Functions
0 = successful
-1 = unsuccessful
(Check errno for last error, such as EINVAL.)
pthread_join() 0 = successful
EINVAL The implementation has detected that the
value specified by thread does not refer to a
thread that can be joined.
ESRCH No thread could be found corresponding to
that specified by the given thread ID.
EDEADLK A deadlock was detected, or the value of
thread specifies the calling thread.
0 = successful
EBUSY The implementation has detected an attempt
to destroy the object referenced by mutex while it
is locked or referenced.
EINVAL The value specified by mutex is invalid.
pthread_mutex_lock() 0 = successful
EINVAL The value specified by mutex does not refer
to an initialized mutex object.
EDEADLK The current thread already owns the
0 = successful
EBUSY The mutex could not be acquired because it
was already locked.
EINVAL The value specified by mutex does not
refer to an initialized mutex object.
pthread_mutex_unlock() 0 = successful
EINVAL The value specified by mutex does not
refer to an initialized mutex object.
EPERM The current thread does not own the mutex.
pthread_once() None.
Table E-4. Thread Functions With Changes to Return Values Only (page 2 of 2)
Function Return Values in Standard POSIX Threads