Open System Services Porting Guide (G06.24+, H06.03+)

Table Of Contents
The Development Environment
Open System Services Porting Guide520573-006
Using Archiving Utilities
Use the ftp utility to access the OSS host system:
$ ftp oss_host
After the FTP prompt, change directory to your samples directory:
ftp> cd /home/nih00/samples
Still from the FTP prompt, copy the printargs.c file:
ftp> put printargs.c printargs.c
Quit FTP by entering the following at the FTP prompt:
ftp> quit
From your OSS window, compile the program as follows:
$ c89 -o printargs printargs.c
Still from your OSS window, test the program:
$ printargs arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
Transferring Files Back to the Workstation
To transfer files back to your workstation, follow the steps below. These steps verify the
working directory at the OSS window and display the output from the pwd utility. Then
the source file is transferred back to the workstation. User input in this subsection
appears in courier type.
$ cd /home/nih00/samples
Use FTP to access the OSS host system:
$ ftp oss_host
logon nih00.user
Password: XXXXXXXX
At the FTP prompt, change the current directory to your samples directory:
ftp> cd /home/nih00/samples
Still at the FTP prompt, copy the file printargs.c to printargs.c:
ftp> get printargs.c printargs.c
Quit the FTP utility by entering the following at the FTP prompt:
ftp> quit
Using Archiving Utilities
Archiving utilities can simplify movement of large numbers of files between systems.
Open Systems Services supports tar, cpio, and pax (pax is the standard archiving
utility in the OSS environment). tar and pax are discussed in the following
subsections; cpio is not discussed in this guide because it is rarely used.