Open System Services Porting Guide (G06.24+, H06.03+)

Table Of Contents
Interoperating Between User Environments
Open System Services Porting Guide520573-006
Interactively Using TACL and the OSS Shell
The following example illustrates the execution of an interactive shell using OSSTTY
instead of Telserv. An OSS application (testprog) receives input interactively from a
Guardian process ($vhs, the Guardian virtual hometerm subsystem).
TACL> run osstty /name $tty, in $vhs, nowait/
TACL> osh -p /home/stu01/testprog < /G/tty/#stdin
OSSTTY is started with $vhs as its standard input. OSSTTY redirects this input to
/G/tty/#stdin, which is redirected to testprog.
See the Open System Services Management and Operations Guide for more
information on OSSTTY.
Interactively Using TACL and the OSS Shell
Most users want to switch from an interactive TACL session to an interactive OSS shell
and continue using the OSS shell. This operation is done with either of the following
osh -ls
The symbol in front of the ls flag (in this case, “-) determines whether login
initialization occurs when the OSS shell is started. See Factors Affecting Shell
Operation on page 4-5 for more information on OSS shell start-up files and login
The Open System Services Shell and Utilities Reference Manual contains a complete
description of the osh(1) utility.
Running Guardian Commands From the OSS
This subsection describes running Guardian commands from the OSS shell and
getting information into the OSS environments. The OSS gtacl utility creates a
Guardian process to execute any of the following from a OSS shell:
A Guardian program
A Guardian command (OBEY) file
A Guardian command, routine, alias, or macro
The following examples present different ways of using the OSS gtacl utility.
The following command executes a single Guardian command:
The single quotes (' ') are used to avoid any special processing of the $ and "
characters by the shell.