OSI/AS SCF Reference Manual

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OSI/AS SCF Commands
OSI/AS SCF Reference Manual424121-001
CHECK SU Command
displays only those SUs that are being used by the specified user account. Only
TAPS users may be specified here.
The format of the display for the CHECK SU $TAP1.* command without the detail
option is
ASU: Process name
shows the OSI/AS user process name that is using the particular SU being displayed.
TAP: SU Name
shows the TAPS SU that is being used in this connection.
TAP: Last Error
shows the last error, if any, reported on the selected SU at the TAPS level. If there
was no error, 0 will be displayed.
Value: A process name in the following format:
[ \node-name.]$process-name
Default: No default value is provided.
Value: a valid Guardian group-id and user-id in the following
Default: No default values are provided.
Level SU/Process Name Last Error State
Error Source
ASU: \comm.$x400
TAP: \comm.$tap1.#z000001 0 STA713
TSP: \comm.$tsp1.#z000001 0 TCon established
NSP: \comm.$x25a.#tsp1345 0 Started/Ready
ASU: \comm.$myap
TAP: \comm.$tap1.#z000002 0 STA713
TSP: \comm.$tsp1.#z000002 0 TCon established
NSP: \comm.$lam1.#tsp1fe 0 Started/Ready
ASU: \comm.$app2
TAP: \comm.$tap1.#zzz0001 -1001 ACSE STA16
TSP: \tsii.$tsp1.#zzz0001 0 TDis in progress
NSP: \tsii.$lam1.#tsp1fe 0 Started/Ready
ASU: \comm.$x400
TAP: \comm.$tap1.#z000001 -1001 ACSE STA01
TSP: \comm.$tsp1.#z000001 140 L4 TCon not established
NSP: \comm.$x25a.#tsp10 140 X25AM Started/Not Ready