OSI/AS SCF Reference Manual

Table Of Contents
OSI/AS Trace Facility
OSI/AS SCF Reference Manual424121-001
L5 PROVL5 I/O Completion
Session ID
an internal field that shows a sequence number that is assigned to the connection by
this TAPS process.
File ID
an internal field that shows the TAPS file control block ID.
an internal field that shows the type of I/O operation that is completing. The
possible values are
DCB Addr
an internal field that shows the address of the I/O buffer that just completed.
Count Transferred
shows the number of bytes written or read.
FS Error
shows the Completion Guardian file-system error.
an internal field that shows the Message Control Word (MCW). The MCW is in the
first word of the data buffer returned by transport. The data buffer will contain new
data if the operation is a read or writeread, or it will contain the data just written.
The MCW can have the following values:
Value Meaning Value Meaning
1 attach 8 loopback attach
2 connect 9 loopback disconnect
3 disconnect 10 loopback read
5 read 11 loopback write
6 write 12 get L4 status
7 loopback connection