OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual

Planning, Installing, and Configuring Tandem FTAM
OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual421944-001
Adding, Changing, and Deleting VFS Profiles
The second, third, and fourth steps are exactly as described earlier. Section 4, Managing
the FTAM Configuration, discusses suspending processes, as well as stopping
subdevices and processes. See the OSI/AS SCF Reference Manual for details on altering
the subsystem configuration.
Adding, Changing, and Deleting VFS Profiles
Each PROCESS object configuration for a responder process must include the name of a
virtual filestore (VFS) profile. When you configure a VFS profile, you can specify two
kinds of information:
A common name or AN address that the OSI manager process associates with the
responder process
A default user ID and password that the responder uses if the remote user does not
supply one
When you add and configure profiles, you must specify a common name or an address,
but you are not required to specify a default user ID and password. If you do not specify
a default user ID and password, remote applications will not be allowed to access the
responder unless they provide a correct user ID and password on a request for services.
For additional information on the DEFUSER attribute, see Determining Access to
Tandem Responders on page 3-37.
Multiple responder processes can share the same VFS profile. VFS profiles thus allow
you to configure several responder processes so that they have the same OSI address.
You might want to do this if you have many applications using the same destination
address, to increase the capacity to handle incoming requests.