OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual

Managing the FTAM Configuration
OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual421944-001
Displaying Process Configurations
Additional information provided for responder processes, not shown in the example
display, includes the following:
Threshold (0 indicates that no event messages are ever generated.)
MaxAssoc (This field shows the maximum number of concurrent FTAM
associations allowed between this responder process and remote initiators.)
MaxAttach (This field shows the maximum number of attaches allowed for this
responder and determines the number of subdevices to be automatically generated
when the responder is started.)
AllowSU (A value of ON means the responder automatically regenerates a
subdevice after a subdevice is discarded.)
Display process configurations if you suspect something is wrong with the current
PROCESS attribute settings. For example, the Opens count in the STATUS PROCESS
display for an initiator process should show a number equal to two more than the
number of outstanding application opens of that initiator (because the count includes the
APLMGR process and SCP, or $ZNET). If that number is smaller than you expect, use
the INFO PROCESS command to determine if the value for the maximum number of
associations is high enough.