OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual

Managing the FTAM Configuration
OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual421944-001
Controlling Open Requests
Controlling Open Requests
An open request is a request for the services of an FTAM initiator or responder process.
SCF allows you to list information on all opens for a given process or subdevice, to
prevent a process from receiving open requests, and to permit a process to receive open
Listing Open Requests
The LISTOPENS command in SCF allows you to monitor the opens a process or
subdevice is currently servicing.
When applied to the PROCESS object, the LISTOPENS command displays the entities
that have the specified process open. For initiator processes, the command returns the
Subsystem Control Point (SCP) process, the APLMGR process, and all applications
using the initiator. For responders, the command returns the SCP process name and the
APLMGR process name. For the APLMGR process, the command returns only the SCP
process name (and, very briefly, application processes, while association requests are in
This command is most useful when you need to know which initiator processes are
currently servicing application requests. Note the following example, which lists the
opens for the initiator process $FTI1:
This command returns the following display:
This display shows that four entities have openers for the process $FTI1: an unnamed
application; an application named $PUBMT; the APLMGR process, $AMGR; and the
SCP process, named $ZNET. Only SCP (the $ZNET opener) has a pending open
Primary Opener Backup Opener
Openers PID PID FNUM Reqs
\NET.02,062 1,62 NONE 3 0
\NET.$PUBMT 1,75 NONE 6 0
\NET.$AMGR 1,81 NONE 4 0
\NET.$ZNET 2,31 NONE 10 1