OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual

Managing the FTAM Configuration
OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual421944-001
Stopping Processes in an Orderly Fashion
Stopping Processes in an Orderly Fashion
To place a process in the STOPPED state, you can use either of two commands: ABORT
or STOP. The ABORT command places a process in the STOPPED state abruptly,
whether or not its processing of requests is completed. The STOP command can be
issued only to a process that is no longer servicing requests, to place that process in the
STOPPED state. Stopping a process in this fashion is recommended, if possible, because
it allows work to complete and does not abruptly terminate associations. There are some
steps you must take, however, to ensure that you can use the STOP command.
For an initiator process, issue the SCF STOPOPENS PROCESS command to the
process. This command prevents the initiator process from accepting any new open
requests. The following command stops the initiator process FTI1 from accepting new
open requests:
To determine when the process has finished servicing requests, monitor process opens
using the LISTOPENS PROCESS command. When the initiator process has completed
its current work, you can issue the STOP PROCESS command to place the process in
the STOPPED state.
The following command stops the initiator process in the previous example:
For a responder process, change the ALLOWSU attribute of the PROCESS object to
OFF. The following command changes this attribute for the responder process FTR1:
When ALLOWSU is set to OFF, the responder process cannot generate new subdevices
when it completes a request and discards the subdevice. Since no new subdevices are
generated, the responder process cannot post new attaches to service requests from
remote initiator processes. You can monitor the number of opens the responder process
has by issuing the SCF STATUS PROCESS command. When the process no longer has
any opens, you can issue the STOP PROCESS command to place the process in the
STOPPED state. The following example issues the STOP command to the example
responder process FTR1:
The example responder process is now in the STOPPED state and the integrity of the
data being processed has been preserved.
Stopping an APLMGR process is useful if there is a problem with the process: for
instance, a process “hang.” To stop the APLMGR process, you issue a command such as
the following:
When the APLMGR process is stopped, initiator and responder processes managed by
that APLMGR continue to run, and established associations are not interrupted.
However, no new associations can be established through the initiator processes until the
APLMGR process is restarted. (Remote FTAM applications can still establish
associations through the responders.)