OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual

Monitoring FTAM Performance
OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual421944-001
Displaying Subdevice Status
This command returns the following display:
This display shows the following:
The subdevice is started and has one open. For initiator subdevices, this value is
always 1, because an initiator subdevice is created only when an application needs
to use it. For responder subdevices, the value is 0 if it represents a pending attach
and is not yet servicing an incoming association, or 1 if it is currently servicing an
association. Each initiator or responder subdevice can service only one association.
It is assigned to the CEPI -10 (CEPIs are always negative numbers) and the TAPS
subdevice named \NET.$L51.#Z00009 (the OSI/AS subdevice servicing this FTAM
subdevice). The functional units negotiated for the association are listed.
The OSI address components are displayed for the calling initiator process, the
called remote responder process, and the responding remote responder process. The
responding address is the same as the called address unless the remote responder has
specified a different address. This field applies only to initiator subdevices; it is not
displayed for responder subdevices. The common name, if configured, is also
displayed. (If the Responding Address field is blank, the remote responder has not
yet responded.)
OSIFTAM Detailed Status SU \NET.$FTI1.#Z000001
State ............ STARTED
Opens ............ 1
Error ............ 0
Error Subcode..... 0
CEPI ............. -10
TAPS SU .......... \NET.$L51.#Z000009
FTAM Functional Units Selected
Read LimitedFileMgmt Group
Calling Address: (LOCAL)
PSEL..... 01
SSEL..... 0110
TSEL..... 07
NSAP..... 03
ComName.. FTMI1A
Called Address: (REMOTE)
PSEL..... 10
SSEL..... 0119
TSEL..... 16
NSAP..... 04
ComName.. FTMR1B
Responding Address: (REMOTE)
PSEL..... 10
SSEL..... 0119
TSEL..... 16
NSAP..... 04