OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual

Monitoring FTAM Performance
OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual421944-001
Displaying Subdevice Statistics
Displaying Subdevice Statistics
During the course of daily system monitoring, a process may unexpectedly slow down.
To check the activities of a specific association, issue the STATS SU command and
monitor the number of ACSE and Presentation PDUs (APDUs) being sent to the TAPS
process and returned by it in support of the FTAM protocol. Sending a small number of
large PDUs is more efficient than sending a large number of smaller ones; therefore, if
the number of APDUs sent or received is large compared to the number of FTAM
operations performed by the application, you might be able to improve performance by
increasing PDU size. An application using the Tandem initiator can increase the size of
the PDUs it sends by increasing the size of the data elements sent in the
FTM_DATA_REQ_ procedure call. The Tandem responder automatically sends large
PDUs, so a large number sent by a Tandem responder might indicate a problem. The
size of PDUs received by a Tandem initiator or by a Tandem responder is controlled by
the remote application and may be adjustable in that application.
To monitor the activity for a subdevice associated with an example responder, issue the
following command:
This command returns the following display:
In this example, there has been one APDU sent and one APDU received in the elapsed
time between the last reset (10:21:32.271) and the time the command was issued
(10:23:19.301). The APDU counts include both ACSE and Presentation PDUs created
to support the FTAM protocol.
OSIFTAM Stats SU \NET.$FTR1.#ZF00002
Reset Time..... 03 Apr 1992, 10:21:32.271
Sample Time.... 03 Apr 1992, 10:23:19.301
APDUs sent......1D APDUs rcvd......1D