OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual

Monitoring FTAM Performance
OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual421944-001
Redistributing Processes Among Processors
Redistributing Processes Among Processors
To maximize system efficiency, including the speed of disk access and response to
requests, you should ensure that your workload is balanced over the resources available
in the system. If you determine that one of your processors is overloaded, you can
relocate some of your initiator or responder processes to different processors by
changing the values of their CPU and BACKUPCPU attributes.
To locate the primary and/or backup of an initiator or responder process in a different
processor, first stop the process, then change its CPU and/or BACKUPCPU attributes
and, finally, restart the process. Processes must be in the STOPPED state before you can
change these attributes using the ALTER command. To place the example FTAM
responder process FTR1 in the STOPPED state, allow the work in progress to complete
and issue the SCF STOP PROCESS command:
For more information on placing processes in the STOPPED state, see Controlling
Object States on page 4-18. To specify a new backup processor for the example FTAM
responder, enter the following command:
Restart the process by issuing the following command:
Adjusting the Execution Priorities of Processes
FTAM initiator and responder processes are I/O intensive. Therefore, if other processes
are running on the same processor as your initiator or responder processes, you might
increase performance slightly by increasing the priority of your initiators and
responders. If a process is servicing important requests, you can improve its response
time by setting a high priority for that process. If your initiator or responder processes
are handling large data transfers, you can improve overall system performance by setting
the execution priority of your initiators and responders higher than those of other
processes on your system.
The following example shows how to change the execution priority for the initiator
process $FTI2 to 160:
For more information on the PRIORITY attribute and altering process configurations,
see Controlling System Performance on page 3-33 and Changing Process Configurations
on page 3-58.