OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual

OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual421944-001
Example FTAM Configuration
Command Files
This appendix presents a detailed reference model for the example FTAM configuration
shown in Example FTAM Configuration on page 3-38. In addition, this appendix
contains example command files for performing the following configuration tasks:
Creating the APLMGR MIB File on page A-6
Configuring OSI/AS to Support Tandem FTAM on page A-8
Starting an FTAM Installation on page A-14
Stopping an FTAM Installation on page A-16
Collecting Diagnostic Information on page A-17
Source code for the example command files described in this appendix is provided with
the APLMGR subsystem and is installed as listed in Appendix C, FTAM Software Files
The command files use the FTAM process and filenames and the OSI/AS process names
presented in Table A-1
Some FTAM processes (and the VFS profile) in Table A-1
require further discussion
because they have attributes associated with them. A Detailed Look at the Example
FTAM Configuration on page A-2 describes these entities in further detail.
Table A-1. Example Configuration Names
Name Description
$AMGR APLMGR responsible for managing this FTAM installation
ZOSADB Management information base (MIB) for the APLMGR process
ZOSADB0 Secondary key file for ZOSADB
$FTI1 FTAM initiator process
$FTI2 FTAM initiator process
$FTR1 FTAM responder process
$FTR2 FTAM responder process
VFS1 Virtual filestore (VFS) profile associated with the two FTAM
responder processes
$OSM1 OSI manager process that has configured the OSI/AS subsystem
associated with this FTAM installation
$L51 TAPS process for the OSI/AS subsystem
$L41 TSP process for the OSI/AS subsystem