OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual

OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual421944-001
FTAM EMS Filters
This appendix presents example Event Management Service (EMS) filters that sort the
following sets of event messages related to Tandem FTAM:
All event messages generated by Tandem FTAM processes, including those from
both APLMGR and FTAM subsystems
Event messages generated by Tandem FTAM processes, including those from both
APLMGR and FTAM subsystems, that report critical events only
The source code given here must be run through the filter language compiler (EMF) to
produce a filter. The compiled filter can then be attached to EMS distributors. A TACL
macro, listed at the end of this appendix, is provided to load the necessary definitions
and compile the two filters.
The TACL definitions loaded by the macro, from files provided with the Tandem FTAM
software and installed in the ZSPIDEF subvolume, allow the filter to select event
messages based on specific tokens in the event-message header. The filters refer to
TACL variables provided in these definition files to set the values of the APLMGR and
FTAM subsystem IDs (ZOSA^VAL^SSID and ZOSF^VAL^SSID) and to check the
value of the EMPHASIS token (ZEMS^TKN^EMPHASIS).
The source code for the two filters and for the TACL macro to compile them is provided
as part of the Tandem FTAM software. The file ID (last part of the filename) for each
file is given here; they are installed, by default, in the volume and subvolume listed in
Appendix C, FTAM Software Files
. For more information on the use of EMS in relation
to Tandem FTAM, see Section 2, FTAM Management Environment; for information on
filtering strategies for Tandem FTAM, see Section 5, Monitoring FTAM Performance.
For detailed information on EMS and filtering, see the EMS Manual.