OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual

FTAM Management Environment
OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual421944-001
Object States
Object States
An object state describes the condition of the object and its readiness to do work. For
example, a process can be in the STARTED, STOPPED, or SUSPENDED state, and
each of these states has different implications for what can be done with the object.
Three Tandem FTAM object types—SUBSYS, PROCESS, and SU—have states you can
display by using SCF commands. There are no displayed states for PROFILE objects.
The condition of an object as it moves from one state to another is known as an
intermediate state (such as STARTING). PROCESS objects have intermediate states.
States and intermediate states for individual object types are described in the following
SUBSYS Object State on page 2-12
PROCESS Object States on page 2-15
SU Object States on page 2-21
Object Attributes
Object attributes are characteristics of the object that you can configure in your
installation. SUBSYS, PROCESS, and PROFILE objects have attributes that allow you
to configure the object. An attribute table for and brief discussion of each object are
included in the following subsections:
SUBSYS Object Attributes on page 2-13
PROCESS Object Attributes on page 2-18
PROFILE Object Attributes on page 2-23
null Objects
The null object type is not an actual object type: null is a term used to represent the
absence of an object type in the command. If an SCF command supports the null object
type, you can issue it without specifying an object type.
The null object type is an exception to the generic naming convention discussed earlier.
To issue a command using the null object, specify the command name followed only by
the Guardian process name of the APLMGR, initiator, or responder process to which the
command is to be sent; omit the object type.