OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual

FTAM Management Environment
OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual421944-001
Displaying Saved Event Messages
The distributor $DIST1 displays messages for all events reported from the time you start
the distributor until you stop it. Because the distributor has been assigned a name, you
can stop the process that has that name. As a general rule, distributor processes should
be named.
You can use similar commands to run printing distributors to other terminals or printers
by substituting other names for $TERM1.
To stop the distributor, press the BREAK key on your terminal keyboard. Then, if the
distributor is the process you most recently started, use the TACL STOP command to
terminate it, or use the TACL STOP command with the distributor name to stop it by
Displaying Saved Event Messages
You can run a printing distributor to display event messages saved in a previously
created log file. The TACL command is much the same as the one above, except the
LOGFILE parameter replaces the COLLECTOR parameter, a TIME parameter is added
to specify the time of the earliest message you want to display, and a STOP parameter is
added to specify the time of the latest message you want to display:
TIME 19 FEB 1999 7:30, STOP 19 FEB 1999 8:00
This command runs a printing distributor to a terminal called $TERM1, using the
default pass-all filter to process event messages stored in the previously generated log
file called LOG1 and generated since 7:30 a.m. on February 19, 1999.
In this case, you can stop the distributor by pressing the BREAK key and using the
TACL STOP command, as before, or by letting the distributor run until it reaches the
end of the log file.