Verb/Reply Header
External Error Use 0 on verbs. For positive replies, this
field is unchanged. For negative replies,
this field should be checked for SNA sense
codes. For these sense codes, see Chapter 8
of the
IBM Systems Network Architecture
Reference Summary
Object Type In a verb, object type specifies the type of
SNAX object to which the verb applies.
Type Explanation
0 Any or all objects
(used with connect, accept, or
disconnect verbs)
1 SSCP (SNAX Service Manager)
7 APPL (SNAX Application)
8 LINE (SNAX Line)
14 LU (SNAX Logical Unit)
15 PU (SNAX Physical Unit)
Line Name or In most verbs, this field designates
Application Name the SNAX line to which the embedded SNA
request is directed.
In a VERB^CONNECT, this field designates
the name of the application attempting to
establish communication with $SSCP.
In a VERB^ACCEPT, this field is 0.
For names less than 8 characters long, the
field should be filled (on the right) with
blank characters.
PU Name or In most verbs, this field designates
Password the physical unit to which the embedded SNA
request directed.
In a VERB^CONNECT, this field may contain
the password needed to establish
communication with $SSCP (if previously set
by a CMI ADD APPL command).
In a VERB^ACCEPT, this field is 0.
For names less than 8 characters long, the
field should be filled (on the right) with
blank characters.