Outstanding Verbs
• For a VERB^ACCEPT directed to the CONFIG component, the reply
buffer might contain an EVENT reply.
Thus, your program should always examine the information in the
buffer returned in the READ part of a WRITEREAD to determine what
kind of reply was delivered. One technique for doing this is
illustrated in the sample programs in the appendixes.
Consider the case of two WRITEREADs in close succession, one
containing a VERB^SEND^REQ that directs a REQMS to PU01 and the
other containing a VERB^SEND^REQ that directs a REQMS to PU02.
$SSCP forwards the REQMS requests to the designated PUs. Each
PU responds by acknowledging receipt of the request with an
RSP(REQMS) before proceeding to send the requested RECFMS. $SSCP
forwards these +RSP(REQMS) responses to your program. It is
possible, however, for the RECFMS generated by PU02 to arrive
before the one from PU01. If this happens, you receive this
RECFMS on the read portion of whatever VERB^ACCEPT you have
If your program immediately issues a VERB^ACK^RCV^MS with an
embedded +RSP(RECFMS) to PU02, the RECFMS from PU01 may arrive
on the READ part of your VERB^ACK^RCV^MS. If, on the other
hand, your program issues a VERB^ACCEPT and the RECFMS from PU01
has been delivered to $SSCP, this RECFMS will be delivered to
you in the reply to your pending VERB^ACCEPT. At this point,
your program can simply issue VERB^ACK^RCV^MS to both PU01 and
PU02. In this case, $SSCP returns an empty buffer (that is, the
count^read parameter of the AWAITIO will be zero).
Note that the technique illustrated above is equally valid if you
use the verbs to send and receive NMVTs and RSP(NMVT)s rather
Table 1-1 shows the replies that can be returned to an applica-
tion that accesses the Service Manager's CNM component and
performs standard SNA network management and maintenance
Table 1-2 shows the replies that access the Service Manager's
CONFIG component.