Gathering Information at Remote Nodes
Automatic Disconnection
If your program closes $SSCP without first issuing a
VERB^DISCONNECT, the disconnect operation is performed
Gathering Information at Remote Nodes
The preceding discussion assumes your program is gathering
information about the node in which your program runs. How can
your program gather information about nodes remotely situated in
an EXPAND network? Two courses of action are possible:
1. Your program might open $SSCP in a remote node and issue
verbs to this $SSCP as though it were in the same node as
your program. This approach will result in a degradation of
turnaround time due to network overhead.
2. A program local to the remote $SSCP might open that $SSCP
and gather information at the remote node. Your program and
the remote program can then share information using ordinary
process-to-process communication.