SPI Programming Manual (G06.24+, H06.03+, J06.03+)

ZSPI Data Definitions
SPI Programming Manual427506-006
Token Data Types
appears in every event message to mark this token as the subject token. A token with
this token data type has no token value; that is, it has a zero token length.
The PHANDLE data type identifies a process handle for D-series RVUs.
The SSCTL data type identifies a special token code that directs SPI procedures to
perform a control operation on the buffer, such as clearing error information, flushing
data from the buffer, or ending a list. This token data type is reserved for use by SPI
only; servers you write should not use it.
The SSID data type identifies a 6-word SPI subsystem identifier.
The STRUCT data type identifies a structured data item whose internal structure is
subsystem defined. This token data type identifies an extensible structured token
inside an SPI buffer. It is also used for certain fixed-length structures, such as ZSPI-
TKN-PARM-ERR. It can also be used for structures whose last component varies in
size, resulting in a variable-length structure.
The SUBVOL data type identifies the first two parts (16 bytes) of an internal-format file
name. Subsystems normally use this token data type for a disk volume name and
subvolume name, but they sometimes also use it for a device name and subdevice
name or for a process name and its first qualifier name. (For subdevice names,
subsystems often use ZSPI-TDT-FNAME instead.)
constant ZSPI-TDT-PHANDLE value is 32.
constant ZSPI-TDT-SSCTL value is 39.
constant ZSPI-TDT-SSID value is 24.
constant ZSPI-TDT-STRUCT value is 7.
constant ZSPI-TDT-SUBVOL value is 26.