SPI Programming Manual (G06.24+, H06.03+, J06.03+)

SPI Programming in C
SPI Programming Manual427506-006
Declarations Needed in C Programs
In these definition files, the structures are in lowercase (for example, zspi-ddl-ssid-def)
and the defines are in uppercase (for example, ZSPI-TKN-SSID).
#include directive for ZSPIDEF.ZSPIC must appear first. Any #include directives
for files that contain your own declarations must come after the
#include directives for
the standard files.
The DDL compiler combines the items of a DDL REDEFINES clause into a union. For
more information, see the
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual
Declarations Needed in C Programs
In addition to the declarations provided in the definition files, you must add these
declarations to your C programs.
SPI Buffer
The ZSPIDEF.subsysC definition file for each NonStop Kernel subsystem includes a
buffer declaration named
subsys_ddl_msg_buffer_def. Use this declaration to
allocate a buffer variable of the recommended size (
zpwy_ddl_msg_buffer_def spibuf;
This declaration is for the Pathway subsystem. It lets you refer to the z_msgcode (-
z_buflen, and z_occurs fields of this structure.
Some subsystems provide additional buffer declarations allocating different
recommended buffer-size values for different commands. For details, see the individual
subsystem management programming manual.
If you wish to define a buffer larger than the recommended size to handle a large
number of response records in a reply, you can write your own buffer declaration,
following the pattern of
Subsystem ID
You must initialize the subsystem ID before the first time you call SSINIT. For NonStop
Kernel subsystems, the name of the subsystem ID structure in the C definition file is
subsys_val_ssid_def. To initialize it, use these values:
ZSPI_VAL_TANDEM for the z_owner field
ZSPI_SSN_subsys for the z_number field
ZSPI_VAL_VERSION for the z_version field
C provides two ways to initialize this structure.
The first way (for the OSI/AS subsystem, for example):
zosi_val_ssid_def zosi_val_ssid ={ ZSPI_VAL_TANDEM,