SPI Programming Manual (G06.24+, H06.03+, J06.03+)

SPI Programming in TACL
SPI Programming Manual427506-006
The ZSPI^TKN^DATA^FLUSH operation does not cause the header token
ZSPI^TKN^MAX^FIELD^VERSION to be updated. As a result, following this operation,
that field can indicate a version higher than that contained in the buffer.
ZSPI^TKN^DELETE: Delete a Token or List
Use this token code to delete a token code from the buffer. For token-value, specify
the token code to be deleted.
You must supply COUNT
interpret the
count value as the index value of the token code to be deleted.
You can supply SSID
ssid, if needed, to qualify the token-code.
token-code is a token that begins a list, the operation deletes the entire list.
The ZSPI^TKN^DELETE operation does not cause the header token
ZSPI^TKN^MAX^FIELD^VERSION to be updated. As a result, following this operation,
that field can indicate a version higher than that contained in the buffer.
Token Pointers
Use this token code to reset the current position as specified by the value of the
token-value parameter. If token-value is ZSPI^VAL^INITIAL^BUFFER (0), the
position is reset to the beginning of the buffer. If
token-value is
ZSPI^VAL^INITIAL^LIST (-1), the position is reset to the start of the current list.
Version of Structure Fields
Use this token code to increase the maximum field version of the buffer. If the value
specified is greater than the current value, then the specified value is used.
ZSPI^TKN^MAXRESP: Set Maximum Responses
Use this token code to set the header token that specifies the maximum number of
responses to return in a single response message. A
token-value of zero (the
default) specifies one response record per response, not enclosed in a list. Any
token-value specifies up to that number of response records, each
enclosed in a list. A
token-value of -1 specifies as many response records as will fit,
each enclosed in a list.
You must omit COUNT
ZSPI^TKN^POSITION: Set Current Buffer Position Pointer
Use this token code to restore a position previously saved using #SSGET or
token-value is a position descriptor, represented as eight separate