SPI Programming Manual (G06.24+, H06.03+, J06.03+)

SPI Programming Manual427506-006
error token
error token. A response token, ZSPI-TKN-ERROR, that identifies an error that occurred
during command processing. Every error list contains an error token. Its value is a
structure consisting of the subsystem ID and an error number identifying the error. See
error list
, error number, and return token.
event. A significant change in some condition in the system or network. Events can be
operational errors, notifications of limits exceeded, requests for action needed, and so
event management. The reporting and logging of important events that occur in a system
or network, the distribution and retrieval of information concerning those events, and
the actions taken by operations personnel or software in response to the events.
Compare with control and inquiry
Event Management System. A software facility that provides event-message collection,
logging, and distribution facilities for the operating system (implemented as a major
enhancement of the operator process, $0). It provides for different descriptions of
events for people and for programs, lets an operator or application select conveniently
from event-message data, and allows for flexible distribution of event messages within
a system or network. It has programmatic interfaces based on SPI for both event
reporting and event retrieval. See event message
event message. A special kind of SPI message that describes an event occurring in the
system or network.
extensible structured token. A token with a value that can be extended by appending new
fields in later releases. Such structures are typically used to indicate the attributes of
an object being operated on, and to return status and statistics information in
responses. The token is accessed through reference to a token map that contains field
version and null-value information that allows SPI to provide compatibility between
different versions of the structure. Compare with simple token
; see also structure,
structured token
, and token map.
flush. With reference to an SPI buffer, to erase all tokens, including tokens in lists, starting
at the current position and continuing to the end of the buffer. To flush a buffer, call
generic list. The most general list construct supported by SPI. It starts with ZSPI-TKN-LIST
and ends with ZSPI-TKN-ENDLIST. Generic lists can be nested. No NonStop Kernel
subsystem provided by HP uses generic lists, but subsystems you write can do so.
Compare with data list
and error list.
GETVERSION command. An information command that retrieves the server version of the
subsystem server, and possibly additional version information about objects defined by
the subsystem. Every subsystem with an SPI command/response interface supports
the GETVERSION command.
header. See SPI message header.