SPI Programming Manual (G06.24+, H06.03+, J06.03+)

SPI Programming Manual427506-006
requester version
requester version. The software revision level of the definition files used in the compilation
of a requester. Each subsystem has its own definitions, so the requester version can
differ in requests to different subsystems.
response. The information or confirmation supplied by a subsystem in reaction to a
command. A response is typically conveyed as one or more interprocess messages
(response messages) from a subsystem to an application.
response message. An SPI message that is sent from a subsystem to an application
program, in response to a command message. See SPI message
and command
response record. A set of response tokens, usually describing the results of performing a
command on one object. A response can consist of multiple response records, spread
across one or more response messages. If there are multiple response records in a
response message, each response record is enclosed in a data list. See data list
. Each
response record is required to contain a return token; see return token
response segment. A data list containing part of a segmented response record. See
segmented response.
response token. A token returned as an element of a response. Response tokens include
information tokens (which contain response data of interest to the application), syntax
tokens (such as list tokens), one special response-control token (the context token),
the return token, and error tokens.
response-control token. A parameter token or response token that influences or reflects
how a subsystem packages its response to a command. Response-control tokens are
defined by SPI, rather than by subsystems; they include the maximum-response token,
the response-type token, and the context token.
return token. The response token that indicates whether a command was successful and
why it failed if it did. Every response record in a response from a NonStop Kernel
subsystem contains a return token; a response record can also contain error lists that
include error tokens. The token code for the return token is ZSPI-TKN-RETCODE. Its
value consists of a single integer field. Compare with error token
SCF. Subsystem Control Facility.
SCP. Subsystem Control Point.
segment list. An SPI list used in segmented responses to group the repeating tokens in the
response record. A segment list starts with ZSPI-TKN-SEGLIST and ends with ZSPI-
segmented response. A response in which a response record spans more than one
response message. Segmented responses can be constructed when the response
contains repeating groups of tokens. The response record contains the nonrepeating
tokens followed by the repeating groups in segment lists. All but the last segment of