Tuxedo 6.5.3 LLE README

2. Use the ftp command to transfer the Install.sh shell script file
(in ASCII format) from the CD to an OSS directory.
3. Enter OSS by typing OSH at the TACL prompt.
4. Position (cd command) to the directory where the Install.sh file
was copied to during step 2.
5. Turn on execute permission to Install.sh (for example, type the
command: chmod +x Install.sh).
6. Execute the Install.sh script and follow the directions. Select
packages as follows:
a. Select the enc128 package if you want to install 128-bit
encryption for the NonStop(TM) Himalaya server and/or the
workstation clients.
b. Select the enc128jolt package to install 128-bit encryption
for the Jolt server and/or Jolt client classes
Answer Install.sh script questions as follows:
a. For the location of the files (which are the NonStop(TM)
TUXEDO PAX files that IPSetup placed in the ZOSSUTL ISV),
type an OSS pathname. For example, /G/system/zossutl.
b. Part of the installation procedure is to rename the existing
SRLs and place the 128-bit versions of the SRLs in
$SYSTEM.SYSTEM. Install.sh attempts to determine if the SRLs
are open and warn the user against proceeding if they are open.
Compaq recommends that all R6.5 applications be shut down
before running Install.sh to ensure that subsequent process
creations can successfully use the new SRLs.
Note that the script backs up the following files, depending on
the options selected:
Note, also, that the script renames all of the OSS files to
include a .save suffix. LTUXT65 and LTUXW65 are renamed to
LTUXT6E, and LTUXW6E. These are the 56-bit encryption
versions that you can use for a fall back situation.
IV. Product Requirements
Required Hardware:
NonStop(TM) RISC-based Systems
Minimum OS Release:
NonStop(TM) Kernel release D45 or G05.01
file:///C|/Release 6.5 V3/ReadmeNSTux65v3LLE.txt
file:///C|/Release 6.5 V3/ReadmeNSTux65v3LLE.txt (3 of 5) [4/27/2004 10:39:54 AM]