Virtual TapeServer 6.03.41 Installation Guide

102 | Troubleshooting
The Apache web server is responsible for running the VTS web interface. To verify that
Apache is running:
/etc/init.d/httpd status
A message similar to the following should be displayed:
httpd (pid 25380 25015 25014 25013 25012 25011) is running...
Use the following commands, respectively, to stop, start, or restart the database (halt VTS
before issuing these commands):
/etc/init.d/httpd stop
/etc/init.d/httpd start
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
You can also reboot VTS to attempt to solve the problem.
Log files
The following log files may help you diagnose problems.
Operating system:
Apache web server:
/usr/local/tape/log/ems.* (available from the VTS web interface)
/usr/local/tape/log/debug.* (available from the VTS web interface)
/usr/local/tape/log/export.log (available from the VTS web interface)
/usr/local/tape/log/event.log (available from the VTS web interface, see page 105 for
more information)
To view log files, the following commands are useful:
vi logfile
To edit and search the file
tail –f –n 35 logfile
To list the file in real-time